Our Services

Scheduled Garbage Pickup

Row of blue recycling bins with yellow lids lined up on a Cape Cod street for disposal service.
SVS Services
GARbage pickup services

Household or residential garbage is all waste generated by the inhabitants of residences, which can be organic materials (food scraps, wood, human waste) or inorganic materials (packaging, glass, paper). Garbage is all material discarded by humans. With the increase in environmental problems, waste began to have its own destination and treatment.

In certain places, the irregular disposal of garbage can lead to fines and penalties for those involved. Besides, the accumulation of these materials can generate risks for the population in the vicinity by attracting animals or developing a focus of diseases such as the proliferation of disease-transmitting mosquitoes with an accumulation of water in the garbage. In addition to operating in the removal of trash,  we offer a range of services in the segment of waste collection and disposal.

We offer an extremely specialized team to collect and recycle all types of residential waste. You can schedule the best day and best time for us to collect. We also work with garbage removal on the same day, depending on the collection time and place. 

We are here to take care of every step of the process, from removal to disposal of your household trash!

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